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Creating better, safer, and smarter workplaces

Harnessing the power of SharePoint and Microsoft 365

From our early research into SharePoint to our present-day mastery of online WHS, QHSE and business management systems, Kitney Toolkit has harnessed Microsoft 365 SharePoint’s formidable capabilities and endless potential. Our journey has been one of discovery, innovation, and pursuit of excellence. 

Today, we stand at the intersection of technology and WHS, quality, and business management, leveraging SharePoint’s power to create better, safer and smarter workplaces.  Join us as we delve into the heart of streamlined management and explore ideas and solutions with our spotlight on SharePoint.

At Kitney Toolkit, we ignite and enable transformations. Our leading-edge 365 systems, apps, and dashboards are the foundations for safer and smarter workplaces.

View 365 System Mini-Demo

Unlocking the power of SharePoint

At Kitney Toolkit we don't just provide solutions - we are your trusted partner. Backed by Kitney Consulting and Kitney Training, we guide the path to developing knowledge and harnessing the power of SharePoint and Microsoft 365 applications.

Explore Our 365 System, Apps and Dashboards 

365 Systems - Streamlined Excellence

Our 365 Systems are the backbone of your success. Designed to help businesses comply with obligations, prevent incidents, and streamline WHS, QHSE, and business management, they are the powerhouse behind organisations that grow and thrive.

365 Apps - On the Go - On and Off-Line 

Our 365 App is the ultimate solution for confidence and efficiency. From streamlining workflows to enabling data collection and with on and off-line options, it’s your go-to companion in your Microsoft 365 environment.

365 Dashboards - Insights at Your Fingertips

Visualise your data like never before with our 365 Dashboards. Dive into real-time data, track performance, and make informed decisions—all seamlessly integrated into your Microsoft 365 experience.

Elevate Your Digital Capability

SharePoint Fundamentals 

Ready to master SharePoint? Our comprehensive online training portal covers SharePoint essentials. With nine interactive modules and assessments, whether you and your colleagues are beginner or seasoned pros we’ve got you covered.

Extend our Solutions

Consulting, Training, and Research and Development

We’re not just about systems, apps, and dashboards! Our holistic approach includes consulting to fine-tune your setup, research to develop solutions, and training to empower you and your business.

Join us on the transformative journey of SharePoint and Microsoft 365. Reach out, explore, and unlock the full capability of WHS, QHSE and business management for your organisation!

365 WHS, QHSE & business systems

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365 apps & dashboards

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Online SharePoint training portal

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Ready to get started - as simple as 1, 2, 3

STEP 1. Watch our 365 System video

Take a virtual tour of our Kitney Toolkit 365 Systems and Add-ons and explore some of the capabilities that await. Be inspired by the potential of SharePoint and Microsoft 365, all ready to go in our professionally developed and industry tested solutions and packages. 

Click here to watch

STEP 2. Explore our 365 solutions

Visit our website to embark on your journey of excellence. Whether you're diving into our 365 Systems, discovering our Apps, visualising data with our Dashboards, or enhancing skills through our Training, our holistic approach means there is something for everyone.  

Click here to explore

STEP 3. Book a discovery session

Our experts are ready to guide you! In a personalised session, we'll explore your WHS, QHSE and wider business needs, explain our 365 solutions, and create a roadmap for your success. Book your free no obligation session and we look forward to talking with you! 

Click here to book

Forward-thinking consultancy with a focus on creating better, safer workplaces through professional skills and capability .

Innovative online solutions delivering WHS, QHSE and business systems, dashboards, apps and documents.

Training bringing knowledge and building capability in strategy, planning, business, WHS, QHSE, SharePoint, and Microsoft 365.

Questions or interested in learning more about our products and services?

Contact us today

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